Course curriculum

    1. Quantifying Uncertainty in Atom Probe Composition Measurements

    2. Understanding solid-state self-diffusion processes at the near-atomic level using embedded isotopic tracers 

    3. Point excess solute: quantifying solute segregation via repeated dataset sampling and matrix concentration determination

    4. Unveiling Atom Clusters with Confidence in Atom Probe Tomography: A Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)-Based Approach

    5. Color Palettes for Atom-Probe Tomography Data

    6. Contribution of dynamic reconstruction to APT measurements

    7. Voltage plus Laser pulsing mode in APT: the best of both worlds?

    8. Laser-assisted field evaporation of Chromia (Cr2O3) with deep-UV laser light

    9. Boron Dopant Quantification Accuracy via High-Field Analysis

    10. An update on the Invizo 6000 at The University of Sydney

    11. Investigation of Organic-functionalised Metallic Nanoparticles through Correlative Electrochemical Analysis and Liquid-based Atom Probe Tomography

    12. Measuring D Distributions in 347H Stainless Steel Using an Atmosphere Ice-free Cryo-transfer

    13. Preparation of APT Samples Under Cryogenic Conditions

    14. TESCAN FIB-SEM's Role in Optimal APT Specimen Preparation

    15. Time Reduction in APT Preparation through Laser-assisted FIB

    16. Resolving Hydrogen Trapping Sites in Steels at Ultra-High Resolution Using Cryogenic Atom Probe Tomography

    17. APT analyses of hydrogen and deuterium distributions in an AM high-strength steel

    18. Making APT Easier - What is Available to Enable Specimen Preparation and Correlative Analysis/Introduction to Ferrovac Products

    19. Optimized APT Specimen Capping

About this course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content

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